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Starting a Small Dairy (Cows and Goats)

A diary cow

Hear from Cynthia Martel, Franklin County VCE Ag Agent, and Jeremy Daubert, Rockingham County VCE Ag Agent on Starting a Small Dairy with Cows or Goats (3-part video series). 


Starting a Small Scale Dairy (Part I): Raising a Healthy and Future Production Dairy Heifer

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Starting a Small Scale Dairy (Part II): Small Scale Dairy with Cows or Goats

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Starting a Small Scale Dairy (Part III): The Rest of the Story

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Presentation Slides

Starting a Small Scale Dairy (Part I) Raising a Healthy and Future Production Dairy Heifer.pdf
Starting a Small Scale Dairy (Part II) Small Scale Dairy with Cows or Goats.pdf
Starting a Small Scale Dairy (Part III) The Rest of the Story.pdf

Extension Ag Agent Contact Information

Jeremy Daubert, Rockingham County VCE Ag Agent

Cynthia Martel, Franklin County VCE Ag Agent

